I saw the new Wonder Woman (2017) movie today. Watch the trailer [Warning: Spoilers – not really, but I’m putting here just in case] Before I dive into it, I think we need to take a moment to appreciate how far the movie industry has come. Before the feature film, they played a short clip… Continue reading Wonder Woman 2017
Category: Personal
On Tour With Totem – Japan Leg
Living and touring Japan with Cirque Du Soleil’s, ‘Totem,’ I learned a lot, especially about myself. We traveled around 5 major cities: Tokyo – Osaka – Nagoya – Fukuoka – Sendai, with many vacations and excursions in between. The topics I wanted to touch on are plentiful, but this time I only wrote on a… Continue reading On Tour With Totem – Japan Leg
Hanami, Sakura, and Sake
A deceptively sunny day, I kept throwing on my jacket when the chilly wind blew, taking it off again when the clouds parted. We sprawled out on a patch of grass under the cherry blossom trees, on plastic blue tarps, the corners held down by various sneakers and stylish heeled boots. Mothers chased their giggling… Continue reading Hanami, Sakura, and Sake
The Best Bank Account Ever
You have a bank account. Every day, $86,400 appear in that account. You can take money out of the account whenever you want to. You can use it all, or you can use none of it. This $86,400 is replenished every single day.
A Month Without Money
I lead an unusual life. The place I live is unusual. My work uniform is unusual. The way I think and behave can often be called, ‘unusual,’ for a variety of reasons too numerous to list here.
A Look Forward: 12 Months Of Challenge And Grind
Please Explain: This is no, “bla bla this year will be different, here’s my important life-changing New Year’s resolutions,” post.
A Look Back: 12 Months Of Training And Integration
This year, I have spent more than 48,000 Yen (that’s about $410 USD) on coffee. This number doesn’t include the coffee that others have bought for me, or the coffee that i’ve had with a meal. I drink a lot of coffee.
What Happens When the Extraordinary Becomes Ordinary?
I arrive at work early in the morning. One of the strongest guys I know is already there, climbing a rope using only his hands.
3 Reasons To Do Things You’re Told Not To Do
“Don’t do a handstand on that ledge.” “Don’t apply to Stanford, you’ll never get in.” “Don’t leave school to join the circus.” But, you do it anyways.
When It Rains, It Pours
‘Twas an hour before the second show, when all through circus tent, Not an artist was stirring, not even a ferret.