Wonder Woman 2017

I saw the new Wonder Woman (2017) movie today. Watch the trailer [Warning: Spoilers – not really, but I’m putting here just in case] Before I dive into it, I think we need to take a moment to appreciate how far the movie industry has come. Before the feature film, they played a short clip… Continue reading Wonder Woman 2017

On Tour With Totem – Japan Leg

Living and touring Japan with Cirque Du Soleil’s, ‘Totem,’ I learned a lot, especially about myself. We traveled around 5 major cities: Tokyo – Osaka – Nagoya – Fukuoka – Sendai, with many vacations and excursions in between. The topics I wanted to touch on are plentiful, but this time I only wrote on a… Continue reading On Tour With Totem – Japan Leg

The Best Bank Account Ever

You have a bank account. Every day, $86,400 appear in that account. You can take money out of the account whenever you want to. You can use it all, or you can use none of it. This $86,400 is replenished every single day.

A Month Without Money

I lead an unusual life. The place I live is unusual. My work uniform is unusual. The way I think and behave can often be called, ‘unusual,’ for a variety of reasons too numerous to list here.

A Look Back: 12 Months Of Training And Integration

This year, I have spent more than 48,000 Yen (that’s about $410 USD) on coffee. This number doesn’t include the coffee that others have bought for me, or the coffee that i’ve had with a meal. I drink a lot of coffee.

Categorized as Personal

When It Rains, It Pours

‘Twas an hour before the second show, when all through circus tent, Not an artist was stirring, not even a ferret.

Categorized as Personal