POLYMATH noun poly·math \ˈpä-lē-ˌmath\ Definition of polymath: a person of encyclopedic learning A polymath (Greek: πολυμαθής, polymathēs, “having learned much”)[1] is a person whose expertise spans a significant number of different subject areas; such a person is known to draw on complex bodies of knowledge to solve specific problems. … It’s not just about math. As… Continue reading I Want To Be A Polymath
Category: Personal
A Few Free Resources For Blogging
Here’s a list of my favorite blogging resources. The list includes websites for stock photos, design, logo creation, and related areas. It’s all free. [This post is not sponsored by anything, or anyone. I’m just sharing the tools i’ve found the most helpful on this blogging journey.] … Canva Graphic design made easy. The drag-and-drop… Continue reading A Few Free Resources For Blogging
6 Podcasts To Listen To Now
Have you hopped on the podcast bandwagon yet? Podcasts have soared in popularity, to the point where there are now more than 250,000 unique podcasts in more than 100 different languages, and that’s just on iTunes! This media is like a TV show you can listen to. You can download or stream episodes anytime, anywhere… Continue reading 6 Podcasts To Listen To Now
College Application Consulting
When I applied to college, I did it all by myself. I prepared for the standardized tests on my own. I wrote the essays on my own, and didn’t have anyone review or edit them. I practiced for my interview on my own, gathered all of my transcripts and letters of recommendation, and kept track… Continue reading College Application Consulting
On Tour With Totem – Sochi Parade
It was the first time I was in public with full costume and makeup. This PR event involved a couple of us (cosmonaut, monkey, Valentino, etc.). The plan was to have a short parade down the boardwalk, along the coast of the Black Sea in Sochi, Russia. Included are a few shots from the parade.… Continue reading On Tour With Totem – Sochi Parade
4 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Taking A Gap Year
So you’re considering a gap year. Maybe you’ve already applied to college, have been accepted, or you’re about to graduate high school and want to explore your options. Whatever your situation may be, its only a matter of time until the ‘gap year’ topic will come up. Everyone needs a break. A vacation, time… Continue reading 4 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Taking A Gap Year
Hedonic Adaptation: The Problem With Getting Everything You Want
Laying on the warm-up floor in the artistic tent, I look up at the rings that are rigged from the ceiling. I don’t want to warm up on the boy’s rings, but in order to use mine, I’d have to bring down these rings and re-rig mine. What. A. Pain. Just over a year ago,… Continue reading Hedonic Adaptation: The Problem With Getting Everything You Want
Escape Room Do’s And Don’ts
I went to an escape room today. The theme was ‘wild west,’ a bit strange in contrast to the location of Sochi, Russia. We powered through the first half of the puzzles, moving effortlessly from one clue to the next. Nearing the end, we got stuck on a 4-letter lock. The clues we had didn’t… Continue reading Escape Room Do’s And Don’ts
Le Vagabond – Interview With The Creators
We see people through lenses. Their age, gender, even their occupation shapes the way we view them from the moment you meet. These boxes help us. They let us assume what we can expect from them, how to interact, what conversations to have and what topics to avoid. But sometimes, life does this beautiful thing… Continue reading Le Vagabond – Interview With The Creators
How Much Does Your Soul Weigh?
Your soul – a part of you separate from your physical body, yet still distinctly ‘you.’ It may remain after your heart has stopped beating or your breath ceases, it may not. Many religions believe it to be an immortal essence, to continue to a sort of afterlife or be reborn again in this world.… Continue reading How Much Does Your Soul Weigh?