A Month of Poems

For one month, I wrote a single poem a day, in accordance with my monthly challenges. They were short, they were vulnerable, and as I reflected back on them, they became a sort-of diary of highlights or most prominent emotions of those 24 hours.  Enjoy this short list of poems.   Talk soon, Maika

Categorized as Personal

Monthly Challenges 2021

Here we are again, the cusp of a new year. Now is the time that people reflect on their past 12 months, and look forward to how they want to improve themselves for the year to come… well, typically. Almost every talk, speech, presentation, email, or catch-up text message has referenced some form of, “oh… Continue reading Monthly Challenges 2021

Categorized as Personal

Our Weird Brain

I’m going to share a few quick musings about experiences of the mind. They are categorically disparate, and only a handful of the stories are my own. These kinds of topics lead to great conversation, so let me know if you have anything to share.  … “Do them until you max out. Then when your… Continue reading Our Weird Brain

Categorized as Personal

6 Ways to Label L-O-V-E (because we all love labels): the Ancient Greeks’ Words for Love

Happy February. As part of my challenges for 2020, writing a minimum of one blog post per month made the list. Having a hard time thinking of a good topic for this month, I asked my friend sitting next to me at the cafe. “Oh my gosh, write about LOVE.” I cringed, but here we… Continue reading 6 Ways to Label L-O-V-E (because we all love labels): the Ancient Greeks’ Words for Love

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2020 Monthly Challenges

Happy New Year!  I spent mine at a 4-story speakeasy in New York City.  I think it’s important to reflect on the old year before rushing into a new one – but it’s tough. Reflection takes time, patience, and the sparkling new decade is full of excitement and unknown. However, without reflection, our days and… Continue reading 2020 Monthly Challenges

Categorized as Personal

Stanford in New York – Part I

I moved to New York City. On January 3rd, I hopped on a bus in Albany, NY. With two over-50-pound suitcases safely thrown underneath the cabin, I curled up next to the window, and watched as snowflakes floated gently to the ground. It was nostalgic – two suitcases and a backpack, headed to a fresh… Continue reading Stanford in New York – Part I

Wine Not? A Tour of Napa and Sonoma

An email appeared in my inbox mid-afternoon. I’m an inbox-0 kind of person, so the white bar across my perfectly grey screen was jarring. It was a forwarded message, sent by a good friend who was across the country for her summer internship. Stanford was organizing a wine tasting trip, first-come-first-serve, supported by the Riddle… Continue reading Wine Not? A Tour of Napa and Sonoma

Juice Cleanse – Impressed By Branding Brilliance, Otherwise As Expected

Finally. After years of watching the juice cleanse craze come and go, reading dozens of articles on it, scrolling through Instagram gawking at aesthetic bottles of magical green elixirs, I had the chance to try it myself. While performing, it wasn’t really an option. First, I didn’t want to risk messing up my energy levels… Continue reading Juice Cleanse – Impressed By Branding Brilliance, Otherwise As Expected

Design Thinking for Social Innovation

This spring break, instead of jetting across the world, I decided to stay and volunteer for one of Stanford’s ‘Alternative Spring Break’ programs. In collaboration with VIA, Volunteers in Asia, the Design Thinking for Social Innovation program worked with 14 exchange students from various Japanese Universities to tackle sustainability issues in the Bay Area. My… Continue reading Design Thinking for Social Innovation