Peet’s Cold Brew – Taste Test and Review

Peet’s Coffee, a San Francisco-based coffee company has recently launched a new line of packaged cold brew. There’s six main drinks and I’ve taken the time to taste them all… for the love of coffee! The following is a completely biased, unscientific study conducted in my dorm room and around campus at Stanford University. Peet’s… Continue reading Peet’s Cold Brew – Taste Test and Review

Stanford: Second Attempt

Have you ever had a moment of Déjà Vu? As if you’ve been there before, had the same conversation, or experienced the same series of events? This happens to me more often than i’m comfortable with, but this time specifically, it’s not just a case of deja vu… It’s New Student Orientation week, and just… Continue reading Stanford: Second Attempt

On Tour With Totem – Brussels, Belgium

The end is near. Maybe it’s goodbye forever, maybe it’s a temporary break while I complete a degree. Only time will tell if I’ll ever return to the circus stage, and my emotions have been swinging back and forth about it for a while now. I arrived in Brussels after a long journey, starting in… Continue reading On Tour With Totem – Brussels, Belgium


Kindness is one of the best gifts. It’s wonderful to receive, and oh-so satisfying to give. It’s something we don’t think about on a daily basis, but there’s a lot that goes on behind kindness. No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. – Aesop Kindness:  acting with a quality of being… Continue reading Kindness

Don’t Post A Blog A Day

I’ve been fairly successful with this month’s challenge, to post a new blog post every day. I could not guarantee content, time posted, or comprehensibility of the words, but it happened. Today is the last day of the challenge. Thank goodness. I wrote about travel, I wrote about work, I wrote lists and fitness workouts,… Continue reading Don’t Post A Blog A Day

On Tour With Totem – Sochi, Russia

[Disclaimer: opinions on my own. In no way does this have any association with companies mentioned or groups involved.] The run in Sochi, Russia, is over. Totem premiered at the Bolshoy Ice Dome (one of the Olympic arenas from the 2014 Winter Olympics) on July 1st. The crew worked tirelessly to transform the rink into… Continue reading On Tour With Totem – Sochi, Russia

Current Topics In Physics [July 2017]

What’s going on in the research field with physics recently? With school slowly approaching, I thought it would be a good time to re-acclimate myself with scientific papers, analysis, and general science topics of today. I prefer physics over biology and chemistry (as if they’re separate fields, but still), so I’ve dug a bit into… Continue reading Current Topics In Physics [July 2017]

Top 5 Most Useful Russian Words

This list skips general terms like yes, “da,” and no, “niet,” (aka. Words you should know before you go to a foreign country). Russian is certainly not an easy language to learn. However, the cyrillic alphabet is not difficult, and if you spend just a few minutes learning it, you can phonetically read everything. Unlike… Continue reading Top 5 Most Useful Russian Words

Instagram Guide: Find Food While Traveling [Step-By-Step]

When traveling, how do you decide where to eat? There’s multiple ways to find food while traveling. You can use Google, Yelp, or if you’re really old school, you can ask for recommendations.  Systems such as Google and Yelp are typically fantastic inside of the US, but are lacking in international reviews. When searching (in… Continue reading Instagram Guide: Find Food While Traveling [Step-By-Step]