Here we are again, the cusp of a new year. Now is the time that people reflect on their past 12 months, and look forward to how they want to improve themselves for the year to come… well, typically. Almost every talk, speech, presentation, email, or catch-up text message has referenced some form of, “oh… Continue reading Monthly Challenges 2021
Author: Maika
24 Nuggets, Favorites, and Lesson Learned
I really, really didn’t want to acknowledge my birthday this year. There has been a stark, slow-but-definitely-there shift in life as I’ve aged past 20. Maybe it’s because I’ve had an unfair proportion of opportunity handed to me at a very young age, or maybe its simply a function of getting older. I was always… Continue reading 24 Nuggets, Favorites, and Lesson Learned
I redesigned my website… again
Here we are. Another year, another website redesign. I thought I’d be revamping it every year – new design trends and stuff. But you know what’s better than staying ‘with the times?’ Having a design that stands the test of time. BAM. Well, that’s the goal at least… let’s see what I’m feeling in a… Continue reading I redesigned my website… again
Intrigue – I wrote a poetry book
Hello visitors! I’m not sure how you got here, but welcome. I’m very excited to present my first ever (published) poetry book. “Intrigue” came from a really special place and I’m happy it’s made it to a physical form to share with you. Isn’t she a beauty. It’s a short book, only 40 poems. There… Continue reading Intrigue – I wrote a poetry book
Our Weird Brain
I’m going to share a few quick musings about experiences of the mind. They are categorically disparate, and only a handful of the stories are my own. These kinds of topics lead to great conversation, so let me know if you have anything to share. … “Do them until you max out. Then when your… Continue reading Our Weird Brain
Actual Things for Adults to do in Quarantine
I get it, a post like this is basic. But as part of my annual monthly challenges, I promised to write a minimum of one blog a month, and this one is certainly in with the times. For some of us, it’s the first few days of being stuck inside. For many, it’s been a… Continue reading Actual Things for Adults to do in Quarantine
6 Ways to Label L-O-V-E (because we all love labels): the Ancient Greeks’ Words for Love
Happy February. As part of my challenges for 2020, writing a minimum of one blog post per month made the list. Having a hard time thinking of a good topic for this month, I asked my friend sitting next to me at the cafe. “Oh my gosh, write about LOVE.” I cringed, but here we… Continue reading 6 Ways to Label L-O-V-E (because we all love labels): the Ancient Greeks’ Words for Love
2020 Monthly Challenges
Happy New Year! I spent mine at a 4-story speakeasy in New York City. I think it’s important to reflect on the old year before rushing into a new one – but it’s tough. Reflection takes time, patience, and the sparkling new decade is full of excitement and unknown. However, without reflection, our days and… Continue reading 2020 Monthly Challenges
3 Things I Learned While Redesigning the Website
Change is constant… isn’t that ironic. It feels like just last week that I completely overthrew the design of my website, and built a new one. Now I’ve done it again. With each new iteration, I look back on the old design and think, “what the hell was I thinking?” It was horrible. But I… Continue reading 3 Things I Learned While Redesigning the Website
Free Resources for Blogging – Updated Edition
It’s been almost two years since my previous free blogging resources post, and the scene has changed. New players have appeared, some of them offering new services, and some competing in similar fields as past favorites. Free market competition means great things for users, as we get the pick of the litter, and the free… Continue reading Free Resources for Blogging – Updated Edition