Crypto for the Culture: DeFi All Odds

I had the pleasure of participating in a fantastic online conference focused on education and diversity at Crypto Tutors Crypto For The Culture Event! Watch the whole thing below: Our chat even got featured on CoinDesk a few days later!

Categorized as Crypto

The Toekenz Podcast: Safety in Web3

Education is half the battle of blockchain, and Toekenz is certainly putting in the work. Check out my chat with host Iris Ichishita (Toekenz Collectibles CEO and Co-Founder) and Marketing Advisor Jeff Allen!

Categorized as Crypto

GAITKeepers Podcast: Digital Assets, DAOs, and AI Chatbots

I joined Elia Kim and and Hana Bell from Simmons and Simmons to discuss how digital assets can be used to provide services, the role of DAOs (in and outside of gaming), AI chatbots, and so much more. Listen below! Always a pleasure working in the international nature of crypto.

Categorized as Crypto

エンジニアtype: シルク・ドゥ・ソレイユ→MS→Web3起業家へ。デジタル資産管理『Webacy』に見る「Web3だから」実現できること

A Japanese news / entrepreneurship outlet called エンジニアtype featured me in an article! They profiled my (very odd) career so far – particularly positioned towards a Japanese audience of students and young professionals. You can read the whole article at the link below:

Categorized as Personal

ONE37pm – Meet the Grimmies and Webacy

ONE37pm is a hugely popular digital media brand that creates content at the intersection of culture, style, music, and sports, all through the lens of entrepreneurship. Lately, ONE37pm has become the go-to media outlet for all things web3 from NFTs to DAOs to everything in-between. Webacy and the Grimmies (our NFT access token) were incredibly… Continue reading ONE37pm – Meet the Grimmies and Webacy

Tech, Stories, and Culture on The Shobeir Show

This episode was filmed a few months ago, but only recently released – which makes you realize how fast the crypto world moves. Shared a few life snippets and industry thoughts on The Shobeir Show. Have a listen below: