This year I had the pleasure of presenting at EthCC, the premier European Web3 conference. I interviewed over 20 crypto natives about their self-custody system, and presented the findings. I also touched on a few exciting EIPs that will impact the self-custody space. Check out the full talk below:
Author: Maika
MyBFF: Stepping Into The Limelight: How Cirque du Soleil Shaped Maika Isogawa’s Path In Web3MyBFF:
Honored to be profiled in the female-founded web3 group MyBFF by the exceptional Sabrina Bonini. Read the whole article here:
InPeak: Degen Happy Hour -The Real Vision Collective
Spent this happy hour with the degens chatting all things crypto 🎉 What a blast.
InPeak: Avoiding All Wallet Drama: Take Back Control with Multisig
What is a multisig? When should you use one? What are some considerations? All this and more in our InPeak x Webacy safety session. Watch Below!
CryptoDad Interview with Webacy CEO Maika Isogawa: Wallet Watch, Panic Button, & Crypto Will
In this episode, I join The CryptoDad in an excellent conversation about self-custody, safety, and what we’re building at Webacy. Check it out!
BitLift Podcast: Protecting Your Wallets w/ Maika Isogawa, CEO & Founder at Webacy
The EthDenver Poker Tournament Tablemates to Podcast Guest pipeline remains alive and well in the Crypto ecosystem. Thanks Gerbz for having me! Check out the full episode below: Or listen directly on the BitLift website!
Death in Crypto: What Happens Next? Maika Isogawa: Founder @ Webacy on The Immutable Mindset
Welcome to the Immutable Mindset podcast, your ultimate guide to the future of blockchain technology, crypto, and the next evolution of the internet. Our guest today is multi-talented and highly revered. Forbes lists her in their 30 under 30 list. Before going to Stanford, she was in the Cirque Du Soleil acrobat program and performed… Continue reading Death in Crypto: What Happens Next? Maika Isogawa: Founder @ Webacy on The Immutable Mindset
Accenture Ventures Japan: Part 2
シルクドュソレイユとWeb3企業:リスクある選択の背景には?〜Webacy五十川CEOx ACV唐澤*村上〜 Web3セキュリティが今アツいワケ / ハッカーが監査役に?! / Web3界隈に女性を増やすには
Accenture Ventures Japan: Part 1
デジタル資産を守るWeb3サービスとは〜Webacy五十川CEOx ACV唐澤*村上〜 考えなくても守られるWeb3セキュリティツール / 「死んだとき」にフォーカスした理由 / あえて可愛くしたデザイン
Reflections from Raising in a Big, Bad Bear Market
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times – here are some reflections from raising in a tough market. Thanks Stonks for the feature! Read below: